2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2009 3:39 AM by fouquet.f

    Dynamic call CXF-BC


      Hi ,


      I Have to made Dynamic external call with cxf webservices.

      In other termes I had deploy with cxf framework many webservices on a tomcat 6 server, it work well.


      And now I have to add a transformation to my camel OSGI component who will made a dynamic call to a cxf webservices ( url change each message )


      I don't now how to made it with the binding component so I have choose to made it directly in java


      Here is the code

      +     public Object transform(Object body) {+

      +          String answer = prefix + " set body:  " + new Date();+

      +          if (verbose) {+

      +               System.out.println(">>>> " + answer);+

      +          }+

      +          // POC APPEL DYNAMIC CXF          +

      +          try {+

      +               JaxWsDynamicClientFactory dcf = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory+

      +                         .newInstance();+

      +               Client client = dcf+

      +                         .createClient("http://localhost:7878/DamFwTransfoPreIntegrationNAFtoVMS/services/DamFwTransformationIntegrationPort?wsdl");+

      +               Object[] res = client.invoke("getZone", "exemple de chaine envoi");+

      +               System.out.println("Echo response: " + res[0]);+

      +          } catch (Exception e) {+

      +               System.out.println(">>>> Exception ");+

      +               e.printStackTrace();+

      +          }+


      +          LOG.info(">>>> " + answer);+

      +          return answer;+

      +     }+


      I have had depency to my POM.xml but I have still an error :


      ClassNotFound : com.sun.tools.interval.xjc.api.XJC


      Any idea ?

      Thanks by advance