1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 30, 2009 8:32 AM by mielket

    SMX 4 Clustering


      Is there a default approach to cluster SMX 4 instances? In SMX 3 you can use


      I was wondering how ActiveMQ will find the right Queue in a SMX 4 network. I know that ActiveMQ is able to do a multicast lookup, but is it sufficient to specify just the Queue name like the following example?


      Server side:




      Client side:




      What do I have to pay attention to when I configure the ActiveMQ brokers?


      Thanks for your help.

        • 1. Re: SMX 4 Clustering

          In short: you can use the same clustered AMQ brokers as in SMX 3.


          If you setup a cluster of ActiveMQ brokers you can then benefit from distributed queues and topics.

          Just like in SMX3, your JMS component need to be configured to access one of the brokers in the cluster (via the connection factory) and if your JMS consumer and producer are connected to different brokers in the same cluster, then the brokers will automatically distribute any new messages across the cluster.


          Your existing Camel routes should continue to work without changes in SMX4 if your cluster of brokers is setup correctly.


          You probably want to use external brokers.