1. Re: Non ActiveMQ Message Broker Connection
davsclaus Jun 30, 2009 12:55 AM (in response to jcornell)Yes its possible. You can use the standard spring XML tags for jndi lookup.
You can look for regular spring documentation how to lookup a JMS connection factory and queue with JNDI.
I have personally used this in a system that uses WebSphere and WebSphereMQ where we do JNDI lookup and use that for the JMS component in Camel.
There is a bit of information how to do it here
See - Using JNDI to find the ConnectionFactory
2. Re: Non ActiveMQ Message Broker Connection
jcornell Jun 30, 2009 7:41 AM (in response to davsclaus)I have the spring XML tags in place however whenever I regenerate the camel-context.xml all of those changes get deleted and changed back to the default jms connection factory. I am looking for preferences that allow me to configure the JNDI lookup from within the IDE preferences...if they exist. If not is there a way we can add this functionality to the FID IDE???
3. Re: Non ActiveMQ Message Broker Connection
davsclaus Jun 30, 2009 7:47 AM (in response to jcornell)Ah you didnt mention FID. Lets get the attention of Oisin.
Maybe a <xml:import> can do the trick so you can have your own xml file with the JNDI configuration etc. So the FID editor do not change your settings.
4. Re: Non ActiveMQ Message Broker Connection
oisin Jun 30, 2009 7:54 AM (in response to davsclaus)This is related to http://fusesource.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=987, right?
Is there something missing from the preferences that needs to be added? If so then consider a JIRA at http://fusesource.com/issues/browse/UI
5. Re: Non ActiveMQ Message Broker Connection
jcornell Jun 30, 2009 8:11 AM (in response to oisin)I never entered a JIRA ticket before... I don't think I have permissions to do so.
6. Re: Non ActiveMQ Message Broker Connection
oisin Jun 30, 2009 8:53 AM (in response to jcornell)On the permissions front, you should have them, but of course I can enter it for you The reason I always ask people to do their own JIRAs is because then they are automatically informed of progress on the JIRA via email. Your choice.
It will be of enormous help if you can provide some sample code - specifically the camel-context.xml that you are using that is correctly constructed to find the JMS Connection Factory. We can use this as an exemplar and develop accordingly.