2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 6, 2009 2:26 PM by oren

    Editing bundle admin properties using remote console?


      Dear All,


      I can remote-access my ESB instance only if I run it without the server argument (i.e. using the default mode). This does not seem right but still, it works. I can use the following to get in:


      ssh -p 8101 smx@localhost


      However, how can I deploy a new properties file ($INSTALL_DIR/etc/mycomponent.cfg) for my deployed component? I can scp this file, but is there a better way?

        • 1. Re: Editing bundle admin properties using remote console?

          I found out the command "edit " in the FUSE shell, however it does not work:


          smx@root:/> ls

          further.fqe.ds.ihc.cfg~                 org.apache.servicemix.jbi.cfg

          users.properties                        further.fqe.ds.uuedw.cfg~

          license_agreement.txt                   startup.properties

          system.properties                       host.key

          org.apache.servicemix.transaction.cfg   org.apache.servicemix.features.cfg

          org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg               org.apache.servicemix.management.cfg

          org.apache.servicemix.shell.cfg         notices.txt

          org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg               java.util.logging.properties

          further.fqe.ds.ihc.cfg                  further.fqe.ds.uuedw.cfg


          smx@root:/> edit further.fqe.ds.uuedw.cfg

          smx@root:/> File is not readable: file:///home/app/fuse-esb-



          Any idea how I can edit a cfg file and then do "refresh bundle_number" ?



          • 2. Re: Editing bundle admin properties using remote console?

            I found out how to do it on my own. See a tutorial below.


            Editing a Bundle's Configuration


            The config shell space contains all the commands you will need.


            smx@root:config> help

            Available commands:

               cancel    Change the changes to the configuration being edited.

               edit      Create or edit a configuration.

               list      List existing configurations.

               propdel   Delete a property from the edited configuration.

               proplist  List properties from the edited configuration.

               propset   Set a property on the edited configuration.

               update    Save and propagate changes from the configuration being edited.


            The "edit" command expects a bundle PID. To find the PIDs, type "list".


            In the example below, we edit the defaultTransactionTimeoutSeconds property of the transaction bundle.


            smx@root:config> edit org.apache.servicemix.transaction

            smx@root:config> proplist

                service.pid = org.apache.servicemix.transaction

                transactionLogDir = C:\esb\fuse-esb-

                defaultTransactionTimeoutSeconds = 600

            smx@root:config> propset defaultTransactionTimeoutSeconds 700

            smx@root:config> proplist

                service.pid = org.apache.servicemix.transaction

                transactionLogDir = C:\esb\fuse-esb-

                defaultTransactionTimeoutSeconds = 700


            At this point, we could type "update" to effect the new value (700). Or, to cancel the current edit, type


            smx@root:config> cancel


            To verify your changes, run


            smx@root:config> edit org.apache.servicemix.transaction

            smx@root:config> proplist

                service.pid = org.apache.servicemix.transaction

                transactionLogDir = C:\esb\fuse-esb-

                defaultTransactionTimeoutSeconds = 600


            In case of "update", defaultTransactionTimeoutSeconds would be set to 700.