1. Re: Web Service - problem with WSDL and TAD document
socallag Aug 10, 2009 9:24 AM (in response to bobyetman)It seems eclipse requires this doc to validate against and you will need to be able to access the internet to get it.
If you are worried about validation you can use the wsdl2java tool shipped with the services framework.
2. Re: Web Service - problem with WSDL and TAD document
bobyetman Aug 10, 2009 9:49 AM (in response to socallag)Well, I've already got the services framework installed, and I'm still getting that warning. How do I tell eclipse to look somewhere else for the doc?
Edited by: bobyetman on Aug 10, 2009 1:49 PM
3. Re: Web Service - problem with WSDL and TAD document
socallag Aug 10, 2009 10:04 AM (in response to bobyetman)Hi,
Just to clarify, the wsdl2java tool is a separate tool and is not being used by the FID, you can use this to validate the wsdl also, if you wish.
With regards nto the FID, having looked at Windows->Preferences->Validation->WSDL Validator Settings it doesn't seem that you can specify a local copy of the TAD and so without being able to connect to the internet you will have this warning.
4. Re: Web Service - problem with WSDL and TAD document
bobyetman Aug 10, 2009 12:37 PM (in response to bobyetman)Gotcha, thanks for the info.