2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 2, 2009 12:48 PM by rinerc

    Warning in Log File


      I am attempting to set up my first route using FUSE.  When I attempt to run, I get the following warning in the log file:


      11:21:49,457 | WARN  | xtenderThread-42 | CxfBcComponent                   | .servicemix.cxfbc.CxfBcComponent   90 | Unable to retrieve or create the authentication service


      I am at a loss as to what this may be referring to.  Has anyone dealt with this sort of warning in the past?




      Robert Rine

        • 1. Re: Warning in Log File

          Hi Robert,

          Can you post your cxf-bc configuration. It seems like you have some jaas authentication enabled.




          • 2. Re: Warning in Log File



            I don't believe I have such a file set up.  I'm trying to set up a very simple HL7 listener that then takes any messages and redirects them to a local file.  I don't have any HTTP/SOAP-type processing involved.  I uninstalled the servicemix-cxf-bc feature from the servicemix console, and the warning went away.  The behavior went unchanged, otherwise.  There are many, many lines such as the following in the log:


            12:38:24,279 | INFO  | xtenderThread-61 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext  | ractOsgiBundleApplicationContext  345 | Not publishing application context OSGi service for bundle ServiceMix :: WS-Notification Service Engine (servicemix-wsn2005)


            The line exists in the log file for many different bundles.




            Robert Rine