4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2009 8:38 PM by lango

    META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist


      Hey everyone


      I am following the webineer Get Started with ServiceMix 4.1: FUSE ESB.


      However i am stuck on the Create Payment Service SE using CXFSE JBI step 10.


      The install is not working. According to the log files i get


      ERROR | xtenderThread-70 | OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext  | gatedExecutionApplicationContext  293 | Pre refresh error

      org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Failed to import bean definitions from URL location classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml

      Offending resource: URL bundle://158.0:0/META-INF/spring/beans.xml; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from OSGi resource[classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml|bnd.id=158|bnd.sym=null]; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: OSGi resource[classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml|bnd.id=158|bnd.sym=null] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist



      Their are some more errors, but they all say the same, that java.io.FileNotFoundException: OSGi resource[classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml|bnd.id=158|bnd.sym=null] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist.


      I cannot see what I have done wrong, i believe i have followed the tutorial correctly.


      Does anyone know why this is happening?

        • 1. Re: META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist

          You might have something missing, for insance <Import-Package> of "META-INF.cxf" and <Require-Bundle> of "org.apache.cxf.bundle". Please have a look at Fuse ESB installation "examples\cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-package\wsdl-first-cxfse-bndle\pom.xml" for more details.

          • 2. Re: META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist



            Thanks for your reply, sorry it took so long for me to reply, i'm only working on this on thursday and fridays.


            I opened up the project and tried again, but now I am getting another error.


            I find this weird as i only tried to install payment-service-se, but the two info's are reffering to a file that is in the payment service batch project. Is that meant to install as well?


            I may of missed something in the read-me, i'll try going through it again.


            Below is the error and two info's that are around it


            11:14:57,499 | INFO  | mponent@2cc50443 | TraceInterceptor                 | rg.apache.camel.processor.Logger  125 | ID-dev-20.wic.webcentral.com.au/61319-1261009687060/2-1125 -> to(endpoint:http://fuse.example.com/paymentService/endpoint?mep=in-out), Pattern:InOnly , Properties:{org.apache.camel.file.lock=sun.nio.ch.FileLockImpl[0:9223372036854775807 exclusive valid], org.apache.camel.file.lock.name=/opt/progress/fuse-esb-} , Headers:{org.apache.camel.splitSize=2, CamelFileLastModified=Thu Dec 17 11:14:57 EST 2009, CamelFileAbsolutePath=/opt/progress/fuse-esb-, CamelFileLength=281, CamelFileName=transfer.xml, CamelFileCanonicalPath=/opt/progress/fuse-esb-, CamelFilePath=tmp/file-in/transfer.xml, org.apache.camel.splitCounter=1, CamelFileParent=tmp/file-in, org.apache.camel.file.name=transfer.xml} , BodyType:com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl , Body:

            • 3. Re: META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist

              So I re-did the read-me file, and still got the error 'No endpoint, service or interface name specified for routing'


              So then i replace all my files with the one from the esb_webinar.zip download, in particular

                 - the top level pom.xml

                 - the payment-service-batch folder

                 - the payment-service-bc folder

                 - the payment-service-se


              Then i re-built the three projects again as maven plug-ins, then tried to install them. I still got the 'No endpoint, service or interface name specified for routing'.


              The read-me told me that i should be able to see it in the jbi and nmr lists, but it is not there.


              In the last case i used the actual downloaded files, is there something else I am missing? Something I have to install or setup that isn't described in the read-me?


              I would really like to use this esb here at work, but i can't even get past the read-me to allow me to do the first webinar. So it's pretty frustrating.


              I am a dotNet guy, not a java, so i'm aware there could be something very obvious i am missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



              • 4. Re: META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist

                Okay, fixed my problems.


                It was very very simplet, as I thought.


                I wasn't uninstalling my plugins before installing the newer versions.


                So the plugins could install, but would not run. This was because my very first versions had some typo's in the code. When they were fixed, i re-installed them, got an i.d back. In reality, i think it was going 'You already have this installed, here is the id'.


                This left me thinking my latest version was installed when really it wasn't.


                So I uninstalled all the plugins, re-installed and everything worked fine.


                Now I am a happy guy and am going to have lunch



