2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2010 10:49 PM by ffang

    Example <cxf-osgi>, wsdl file format.


      Good day.

      The deployment of an example of <cxf-osgi> <apache-servicemix-4.2.0-fuse-01-00>

      and a request from the service wsdl I get the wsdl:




              <xs:complexType name="sayHi">


                      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="arg0" type="xs:string" />




              <xs:element name="sayHi" nillable="true" type="sayHi" />






      possible to influence the appearance of the wsdl so to get it in a more familiar form?




          <xsd:element name="sayHi">



                      <xsd:element name="sayHi" type="xsd:string"/>









        • 1. Re: Example <cxf-osgi>, wsdl file format.

          Good day.

          How can I get a WSDL file osgi service in this format?



              <xsd:element name="sayHi">



                          <xsd:element name="sayHi" type="xsd:string"/>





          • 2. Re: Example <cxf-osgi>, wsdl file format.



            The wsdl schema actually generated from your java code with JAXB implementation IIRC.

            So if you want change the attribute like

            minOccurs="0" name="arg0"

            You MAY add some annotation to the java SEI code, but not exactly remember what kind of annotation can do it.


