4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 30, 2010 2:56 AM by walter.accantelli

    (fuse 4.2) how to call an external web service with camel?


      Hi all,

      I'm trying to develop an EIP with Apache Camel in order to have the following scenario:

      1) Expose a simple web service (SampleService) and read an incoming parameter (SampleIn string)

      2) Call an external service (for this sample, I've used a public weather service http://ws.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx?wsdl) and get the response from external weather service (i.e. weather city)

      3) Compose and return a sample response (SampleOut string)


      I package the sample and deployed successfully into my Fuse 4.2 installation:

          osgi:list |grep Sample

          Web Service Sample 1 (0.1)


      Calling the web service at http://localhost:9105/CamelContext/MySample I get the following error:

      Error processing Exchange. Exchange[Message: org.example.sample.SampleRequest@138fec2]. Caused by:




      This is what I've done (I've attached the eclipse code):

      1) Create sample.wsdl and generate the endpoint

      2) Create a camel route the read incoming request and return a response

      3) Create the client classes (using cxf-codegen-plugin with -client option) to call the external web service

      4) Add the web service client calling code to camel route bean


      That error occours when I instantiate the objects I need to call the external web service:


          Weather weatherService = new Weather();    // here I got the error

          WeatherSoap weatherSoap = weatherService.getWeatherSoap();

          WeatherReturn weatherReturn = weatherSoap.getCityWeatherByZIP("zip");

          String weatherCity = weatherReturn.getCity();



      I read in the Fuse forum that other developers have the same issue with Fuse 4.2, that has been resolved as described here: http://fusesource.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=1692&tstart=0

      But it doesn't work to me.


      Does anyone have suggestions?

      Does anyone have a working sample to call an external web service with Fuse 4.2?


      Thanks in advance,



      Edited by: walter.accantelli on Apr 30, 2010 6:50 AM