3 Replies Latest reply on May 28, 2010 3:42 AM by walter.accantelli

    How to import class (bean) from an other bundle


      Hi all,

      I have 2 osgi bundle (osgi-import-sample1 and osgi-export-sample1) and this is what I would like to do:

      1) export a class (called BeanToExport) from bundle osgi-export-sample1

      2) import/use that class (BeanToExport) in bundle osgi-import-sample1


      This is what I've done:

      1) In osgi-export-sample1, I've created a simple Bean (com.bundleexport.beans.BeanToExport) that implements InitializingBean and DisposableBean and it's exported with the following configuration in pom.xml:


















      After that, when I try to use the BeanToExport inside osgi-import-sample1, that class is not visible - I cannot import/use that class in osgi-import-sample1.


      Is there something I miss or I done wrong?


      I've attach the source code, hope this help to undestand.