3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 8, 2010 8:28 AM by fsalceda

    setting "org.apache.servicemix.http.destination.uri" in ode




      I'm working on the following call sequence:


      cxf-consumer -> ode process -> cxf-providers


      And I would like to use dynamic destination uri in providers setting "org.apache.servicemix.http.destination.uri" header.


      I tryied out different things such as assigning url to partnerLink before invoking the provider:






          <bpel:to partnerLink="ToMultiply"/>




      <bpel:invoke name="ToMultiplyService" partnerLink="ToMultiply" portType="tomult:ToMultiply-ServicePortType" operation="toMultiply" inputVariable="tomult-request" outputVariable="tomult-response" />




      Any ideas?

