1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 8, 2010 11:04 PM by jessicaleahy

    How to integrate services using FUSE




      I have a general question about integrating services using FUSE.

      For example I have a two services which are connected via HTTP and use SOAP to exchange data. Services are conneted directly against each other.

      But now I want to connect this services using FUSE ESB . Services should be connected via ESB (not directly serviceA to servieB but indirectly using ESB: serviceA to ESB, serviceB to ESB and ESB is responsible to exchange data between these endpoints) services only know how to connect to ESB.

      My question is: how to do it (easy) using FUSE ? I know that one of possibility is FUSE Medaition Router (Camel - using cxf component), but maybe there is other way to do it ?


      Thanks for help