2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 29, 2010 10:07 AM by wds

    web-app accessing osgi service





      I would like to deploy a java web-app to SMX.

      I would like this web-app to access an osgi service deplopyed in smx.



      Can someone suggest a starting points on where to look  or read to accomplish this?





        • 1. Re: web-app accessing osgi service

          I have done the first step deploying the web-app into the osgi container by

          just installing the war file using the syntax.


          osgi:install war:file:path/to/war/your_web_app.war?Webapp-Context=yourAppName&Bundle-Name=Your%20Bundle%20&Bundle-Version=1.0.0


          then you can access your web app at (assuming your esb is on your machine and configured the httpservice on port 8181 by default)




          (the yourAppName is the "Webapp-Context" that you specified during war  installation )


          Note: the welcomefile in your web.xml should be configured to point to your index.html/jsp. or whatever the entry point of your webapp.



          if you want to access your osgi service already installed in your container, then you have to expose these osgi services as CXF (webservice/restful), JMS, pojo etc..then call your osgi service methods using those endpoints internally.

          I am no where near expert here but thats what I would so and surely it will work. but i bet someone else will have answer better solution.

          • 2. Re: web-app accessing osgi service

            I thank you for input.


            darkcloudbird wrote:


            if you want to access your osgi service already installed in your container, then you have to expose these osgi services as CXF (webservice/restful), JMS, pojo etc..then call your osgi service methods using those endpoints internally.



            This is our fallback solution. We try and find more elegance way. Spring-dm injected osgi somehow, Registry lookup someway?

