1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 28, 2010 12:04 PM by davsclaus

    Camel xml validation not working

      Hi All,


      I am assuming camel uses Xerces2-J to do xml validation.


      If I am on the right track so far,


      https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XERCESJ-893 - might be an issue for some.


      At the end of this issue, it says that


      In Xerces 2.7.0 we defined a new feature called http://apache.org/xml/features/honour-all-schemaLocations. When this feature is set to true, all schema location hints will be used to locate the components for a given target namespace, so if there are multiple imports for the same namespace Xerces will access all of the schema locations provided.


      So I am wondering how can I enable this feature when I am writing a route.


      My route is
















      Edited by: mhanda on Aug 24, 2010 6:01 AM

        • 1. Re: Camel xml validation not working

          You can always validate the message from Java code yourself if a Camel component seems not to do what you want.


          You may be able to set features to Xerces using Java System Properties or someway like that. You can check the Xerces documentation for that.


          AFAIR there is not specific Xerces options avail on the Camel validator component.


          But if you show how to enable this feature in Xerces we could consider adding some feature so you can easily set it from the Camel component.