3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 8, 2010 9:41 AM by vincentgr

    ESB 4.2.0-fuse-02-00 : still have No component can be found with name: cxf"



      I'm experiencing the same kind of problems as in this other post . I have a set of bundles with create routes using CXF (I'm using the Java DSL, I don't know if it matters). Sometimes I have no problems, sometimes I get the following exceptions on my routes:


      Caused by: org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route route18 at: >>> Marshal[ref:jxb] <<< in route: Route[[From[file:///var/diva/tasks]] -> [Marshal[ref:jxb], T... because of dataFormat must be specified




      Caused by: org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route route16: Route[[From[cxf:bean:alarmServiceEndpoint]] -> [Choice[[When... because of Failed to resolve endpoint: cxf://bean:alarmServiceEndpoint due to: No component found with scheme: cxf


      In Fuse ESB 4.1.0-psc-01-00RC1 everything works fine, I have no problem. I have just updated the ESB version re-using the same binaries.

      I've read the thread and checked my config. I'm not using camel-osgi in the featuresBoot list, I have checked all the jaxb paths and they work well.


      The only workaround I have found is to start alternatively using karaf.bat and servicemix.bat, a certain amount of times (usually 3 or 4), and then suddently I have no problems. It seems like a race condition during CXF initialization or something.


      Update: Uninstalling/reinstalling my features (I still get the errors) and then restarting the container seems to fix the problem for 1 launch. If I restart the container a second time I get the error again.


      My config:

      Windows XP SP3

      Fuse ESB 4.2.0-fuse-02-00

      Sun JDK 1.6_17


      If you have any idea, it will be more than welcome!



      Vincent Girard-Reydet


      Edited by: thewinch on Oct 6, 2010 12:55 PM