2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 11, 2010 5:31 AM by larasith

    invoking external webservice with payload dataFormat


      hi, i'm trying to invoke a external webservice through cxfEndpoint:





      I set those headers because the documentation tells it:


      "When you are invoking the service endpoint, you can set the operationName and operationNameSpace headers to explicitly state which "


      What is my error? I ever get this error:


      Get the wrong parameter size to invoke the out service, Experct size 1, Parameter size 0

        • 1. Re: invoking external webservice with payload dataFormat

          First I didn't see any dataFormat setting from your configuration.

          Second, if you want to invoke the service please set the message body with the elements.


          You can find more information here



          • 2. Re: invoking external webservice with payload dataFormat

            Really, i was wrong. I've a cxfEndpoint with message data format POJO and later i need to invoke a cxfEndpoint with message data format MESSAGE. I can't change the data format to POJO because if i do it i get the following error:


            Get the wrong parameter size to invoke the out service, Experct size 1, Parameter size 0


            I would like can kork with POJO data format in both cxfEndpoints, but i don't know how to pass parameters using this data format.