1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2010 9:44 AM by ubhole

    Does Fuse Esb has Governance registry other than OSGI registry?




      Fuse Esb is based on OSGI and the functioning is different from other ESBs.In the perspective of registry/repository ie to store artifacts/metadata,how can it accomplish this?


      Also when publishing a OSGI service,does the service(as a jar) is stored in the registry or Database(Apache derby) or in the File System even?

        • 1. Re: Does Fuse Esb has Governance registry other than OSGI registry?

          FUSE ESB uses Maven based OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) for storing the artifacts which can be pulled in when you deploy your application bundles or system bundles when it starts.


          Regarding deployed services the artifacts pulled from maven repository and/or OBR are deployed and stored internally on the local file system in it's internal structure.




          Ulhas Bhole