2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 8, 2011 1:00 AM by tejas_tejas.rajpura

    WS-notification via HTTP client problem




      i use Servicemix Fuse 4.3-fuse-03.00 to implement a publish/subscribe system using wsn2005 component. i should create this configuration:


      Publisher -> Broker (wsn2005) -> Consumer


      Publisher is a java application that uses the broker.wsdl exposed by wsn.xml example to send notification


      Consumer is a java application that uses broker.wsdl to make a subscription and it is, also, a web service that should receive notification.


      Not all work fine, in fact, i can send a notification, i can subscribe to a topic but i don't receive notification to my web service.


      My web service is reached by a normal browser. It has a single stupid web method "increase" that when someone invokes this method it write "received" to tomcat console


      To eliminate any doubt i did a subscription and notification from soapUI using and also but no Soap arrives to my web service


      When i send me a notification by soapUI, the response of the broker is OK 202 and if i see in the jconsole i observe that it dequeue the notification.


      What i wrong? Do  i have to change somethings in the wsn.xml example?


      I'm newbie so please help me.




        • 1. Re: WS-notification via HTTP client problem

          Hello Nio,


          I have the exact same problem here using 4.3.1-00.00 - getMessages works, but there are no notifications being sent to the registered pullpoint.


          I even used netcat (nc -l 3333) to create a TCP server to check if there's any kind of request being sent by the WSN2005 component to the service ( , nada. No log message, nothing.

          • 2. Re: WS-notification via HTTP client problem

            Hi Nio,


            i want to create Publish/Subscribe System using servicemix/fuse-servicemix.


            it can be observed that you have successfully created the same.


            My kind request to provide sample application to check. if possible, please give some steps to achieve it, practica references, anything helpful according to you.


            i have check the sample application from "wsn-http-binding" from servicemix/examples. it is working fine.


            i have C++ Publisher and C++ Consumer. as you know servicemix support only simple dialect. i need to support Concrete and ConcreteSet dialect also.


            please let me know if you need more inforamation.


