1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 10, 2011 9:17 PM by njiang





      I'm trying to extract request information from an http query using camel-jetty. The camel context is consuming from "jetty:http://localhost:8080/test", and sending the request to a new "Processor" for parsing; e.g:


      from("jetty:http://localhost:8080/test").process(new Processor()


        public void process (Exchange e)




      When entering, for example,




      into a browser, the Exchange variable (during debug in eclipse) shows that the e.in.body member is "null". However, the e.in.request.queryString is populated with "value=blah". Furthermore, the e.getIn()'s type is org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpMessage. I, therefore, which to cast the exchange variable to this type in an attempt to extract the request. The problem I'm having is using the HttpMessage type. When I attempt to import the "org.apache.camel.component.http" package into my source file, I'm provided with an error advising that the package can't be resolved. Any ideas how I get hold of this package and install it into my local maven repository for use? Are there any extra dependencies I'll need to add to my pom.xml file?


      I've seen another message on the forum (see link below) which provides the svn repository for the package source. If I download the source, is there a pom file that goes with it that can be used to build/install the package?




      Many thanks for your time!





        • 1. Re: HttpMessage



          org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpMessage is in the camel-http module, you just need to download the source jar from Fuse maven repo.

