2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 25, 2005 12:36 PM by mmilicich

    EJB Passivation warning


      is it normal to get the following warning with Commit Option D?

      WARN [AbstractInstanceCache] Unable to passivate due to ctx lock, id=26639

      When I change back to B it doesn't show up. I understand that Option D keeps the objects in cache until a certain T/O reaches, so is this warning just to tell it keeps them in cache?

        • 1. Re: EJB Passivation warning

          Yes, it flushs the cache and some instances might be in use. That's why the warning is logged.

          • 2. Re: EJB Passivation warning

            I have the same problem, but using the Commit Option C...
            The thing is that I need that option to keep our EntityBeans up-to-date with DataBase because of other external processes that insert data into it.-

            But when these warning msgs appear, it takes a lot of time to have the JBoss reply: It makes it slower...is there anything we can do to avoid this situation ?
            Maximiliano Milicich