0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 16, 2009 11:59 AM by senthur_kumaran

    Packages - Issues


      I tried to sort uploaded packages for my application (test.war). JON system doesn't sort the packages in order.

      Detailed steps:
      1. Created an application called test.war
      2. uploaded 3 versions of packages and subscribed the channel (test Channel) as below
      Package Name version
      ----------------- ---------
      test.war 1237902226603
      test.war 1237223623796
      test.war 1239893397612

      1.Package description is not displayed in the "Packages Eligible for Deployment" table.
      2.Unable to sort packages by version number
      3.Missing information when viewing package details . such as
      file created date, short description, ...etc.
      4. error when viewing deployed content test.war details.

      javax.el.ELException: /rhq/resource/content/installed_package_details.xhtml @39,42 value="#{ListPackageHistoryUIBean.packageValues}": Error reading 'packageValues' on type org.rhq.enterprise.gui.content.ListPackageHistoryUIBean

      Can someone look into these issues and let me know your comments?

      Thanks & Regards