4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 4, 2004 4:30 AM by aloubyansky

    Problem with collection CMR field and ejb create


      I have two tables:

      addressable_table which has an addressabledbid (primary key) and some other columns
      gateway_table that has 3 columns:
      contactdbid (foreign key to addressable table addressabledbid)
      gateway_type (string)
      gateway_value (string)

      primary key for gateway_table is a contactdbid,gateway_type

      I have two entity beans and a 1-many relationship between them corrisponding to these two tables. I have cascade-delete and batch-cascade-delete turned on. relationship mapping is specified below.

      I am trying to do the following:

      while (more data)

      It seems that the delete statement is not issued for the above clear call... I am getting a duplicate key exception during this operation..
