2 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2011 4:22 PM by dherla

    Tracer Interceptor - Problem - modify the body of a message




      I use : apache-servicemix-4.3.1-fuse-01-09

      I deploy via blueprint.xml


      I have a very simple route like this :


        .process(new Processor() {

          public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {

             File body = exchange.getIn().getBody(File.class);

             log.debug("The body is {}",body);





      If the Trace is false at the camelcontext, i received the following log :

      The body is c:\p06293\camel\test-in\test-1.zip

      If the Tracer is true at the camelcontext, i received the following log :

      The body is null


      I don't understand why there is a change when i set the tracing.


      Thanks in advance

