2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 1, 2011 4:03 AM by lusa

    cxfbc on restfull and json service?


      Hi everybody,


      I have read the docs about the servicemix-cxf-bc component and have making a working example.


      I have deploy into Fuse a cxf-bc JBI component like this:

      cxfbc:consumer ==> cxfbc:provider

      And I have make  a Junit test with a JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to make a call on the cxfbc:consumer.


      All is working fine.


      Now my question is, is it possible to do the same but with a Restfull WebService in place of a Soap WebService, and with JSON.


      cxfbc:consumer( A RestFullJSON WebService ) ==> cxfbc:provider( A RestFullJSON WebService )


      Thanks a lot for any help or reply
