1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 28, 2011 7:41 AM by rafal.janik

    Problem with karaf commands - no xsd online as a possible reason ?




      I'm still using fuse esb 4.2. I've just realised that one of my bundles with karaf commands doesn't work:


      koda-admin (1.1)


      the bundle bluprint configuration is quite simple:


      ls 10


      Apache Felix Karaf :: Shell Console (10) provides:


      osgi.service.blueprint.namespace = http://felix.apache.org/karaf/xmlns/shell/v1.0.0

      objectClass = org.apache.geronimo.blueprint.NamespaceHandler

      service.id = 53


      osgi.blueprint.container.version = 1.4.0.fuse-01-00

      osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname = org.apache.felix.karaf.shell.console

      objectClass = org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer

      service.id = 59



      On the other forums I can see that new xsd is suggested (http://karaf.apache.org/xmlns/shell/v1.0.0) but of course when I pass this file into my bluprint config the bundle isn't even active.


      So please help me - am I doing somtheing wrong or is the missing xsd a reason of this problem (and if answer is yes - is there any chance to run my shell commands on fuse 4.2)?



