3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 14, 2011 9:21 PM by njiang

    Difference on webservice invocations


      Good day


      Sorry if this is too basic, i'm still learning Fuse ESB and Osgi :-P



      I have a question that honestly i havent been able to answer.  I have a client app that invoques a webservice succesfully doing this


              SOAPService ss = new SOAPService();

              Greeter greeter = ss.getSoapPort();

              System.out.println(greeter.sayHi("Calling success!!"));




      *My client spring file has this code:*









      And my server spring file has this code








      Everything works great (thanks to mr. Freeman and Willem by the way ), but I would like to add a property on the client app side using spring, so I uncomment the next line from the spring file on the client :




      And I add this property on my client POJO  (I don't even use it, I just declare it)


      private Greeter servidorWsdl;


          public Greeter getServidorWsdl() {

              return servidorWsdl;



          public void setServidorWsdl(Greeter servidorWsdl) {

              this.servidorWsdl = servidorWsdl;





      The moment I update my client bundle with the spring line uncommented on the fuse esb, the fuse esb throws this exception



      Exception in thread "SpringOsgiExtenderThread-20" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'clienteWsdl' defined in URL bundleentry://222.fwk7318012/META-INF/spring/beans.xml: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'servidorProxy' while setting bean property 'servidorWsdl'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'servidorProxy': FactoryBean threw exception on object creation; nested exception is org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException: Could not find definition for service {mycompany.osgi_wsdl_first}GreeterService



      Am I missing something else???

        • 1. Re: Difference on webservice invocations



          Your jaxws client's address is wrong. please change the address attribute to a real one which start with "http://".





          • 2. Re: Difference on webservice invocations

            Maaan,  I just had a "Duh" moment,  thanks a lot for pointing out my mistake mr. Willem, that was quite silly error on my part.


            Also I had another error, with the same level of silliness,  after changing what mr. Willem said, the error persisted because my client was trying to access




            And my service was registered as




            so I added on my client spring file, on the beans  tag, this line:





            And I added  this on my jaxws:client  tag





            That was it. Thanks a lot for your help mr. Willem  :-D

            • 3. Re: Difference on webservice invocations

              It's good to see you finally find a way out. It's important to make sure the client and server share the same configuration information