2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 10, 2004 4:11 AM by dmitriy1

    Is it possible to use cmp without transaction?


      Hi all
      I have stateless facade and some cmps (also using relations), and dont want use them with any kind of transaction...
      how i can do it?

      There are only Required,RequiresNew and Mandatory transaction attributes permissible for EntityBean type...

      Point me to the thread/docs please

        • 1. Re: Is it possible to use cmp without transaction?

          This is not recommended. For what reason do you want to avoid transactions?

          • 2. Re: Is it possible to use cmp without transaction?

            Thank you for answer, Alex!

            Reasons - to avoid deadlocks and increase perfomance with cmp-operations.

            I have non-crytical for dirty- or fantom- read entities. Why i need to use locking on each getField if I dont need locking instance (I think..)?

            My Standard CMP 2.x EntityBeans use Require and QueuedPessimistic locking policy. If i use NoLock, there are problems with cmr, becouse they are need to access cmr fields in same tx, i understand...

            Now (Require+QueuedPessimistickEJBLock), i have deadlocks with a get- methods and think maybe if i turn off transactions for selected get- methods,i'll can avoid deadlocks ?

            but, as i am understand.. using cmp instance cache require transactions?

            sorry fo my bad english..
