1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 27, 2011 10:18 PM by njiang

    Simple authentication with SpringBusFactory?


      I am trying to connect to a web service as follows (using wsdl2java):




      Here is how I am connecting:


      SpringBusFactory bf = new SpringBusFactory();

      uRL busFile = CpofWebServiceUtils.class.getResource("cxf-config.xml");

      Bus bus = bf.createBus(busFile.toString());




      RepositoryService_Service rsp = new RepositoryService_Service(new URL(WSDL_URL), SERVICE_NAME);          

      RepositoryService svc = rsp.getPort(PORT_NAME, RepositoryService.class);



      In my pom I am including cxf-rt-core and cxf-rt-transports-http.


      My cxf-config.xml looks as follows:


        <http:conduit name="RepositoryServicePort.http-conduit">








      I can connect to the WS no problem, but when a method is invoked I get the following exception:


      com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.ClientTransportException: The server sent HTTP status code 401: Unauthorized


      Edited by: jamie3 on Jun 27, 2011 11:44 AM