6 Replies Latest reply on Jul 13, 2011 1:45 PM by labo32_delaboe

    Question on sql result processing




      I have some questions regarding the processing of an sql endpoint.

      My Route looks like







                                magic stuff

                     <setHeader headerName="value of paramName from sql">

                          <constant>"value of paramValue from sql"</constant>



      and I tried to solve the whole processing without an extra bean but I failed.


      How can I access the values ?

      I tried it with a tokenize, the simple but I did not got the expected result. Most of the implementations end up in a javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException.


      I know about a solution using an extra bean but since I try to keep my custom code base as small as possible using the power of the existing components.


      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: Question on sql result processing

          What do you want to do?


          Do you want to process each record of the SQL ResultSet?


          You can just split the body

             <!-- do what you want with the record -->


          • 2. Re: Question on sql result processing

            I solved the first part but I failed after the second sql.


            My payload after the sql looks like


            Exchange[ExchangePattern:InOnly, BodyType:java.util.ArrayList, Body:[{paramName=leagueShortcut, paramValue=bl1}, {paramName=leagueSaison, paramValue=2005}]]


            and I need to convert it to an input of my camel-freemarker component.


            The 2 fetched rows should be converted to two key value pairs





            The information could either be stored in the header or the body to be accessable in the template via ${header.leagueShortcut} and ${header.leagueSaison} or ${body.leagueShortcut} and ${body.leagueSaison}




            • 3. Re: Question on sql result processing

              I got it.... but not in the way I'd want to do.


                    map : inputMap){

                             String pn = map.get("paramName");

                             String pv = map.get("paramValue");

                             inEx.getIn().setHeader(pn, pv);





              Now the question:

              Is there a simple way to replace the process bean with the use of camel components ?

              • 4. Re: Question on sql result processing

                I suggest to look at documentation for Freemarker how to access list and maps, as I would assume you could define this in the template.


                In Camel you can also use some of the languages to set those 2 fields as headers. If you use a recent version of Camel the Simple language may be able to do that out of the box



                <setHeader headerName="pn"><simple>${body[0][paramName]}</simple></setHeader>
                <setHeader headerName="pv"><simple>${body[0][paramValue]}</simple></setHeader>


                And then use the pn and pv in the freemarker template.


                The Simple language may have issues doing a double access as above, but some of the other languages is more powerful


                • 5. Re: Question on sql result processing

                  The Simple language cannot do chained [] so I have created a ticket to add support for that in Camel 2.8



                  As a wokaround you can do

                  <setHeader headerName="row"><simple>${body[0]}</simple></setHeader>
                  <setHeader headerName="pn"><simple>${header.row[paramName]}</simple></setHeader>
                  <setHeader headerName="pv"><simple>${header.row[paramValue]}</simple></setHeader>


                  • 6. Re: Question on sql result processing

                    It is not exact what I want to do


                    The sql returns 0....n rows and for each row I need to set a header

                    where the header name is the paramName and the header value is the paramValue


                    Is it possible to set the header name from a variable..... something like


                    setHeader headerName="${header.row[[paramName]|http://]}".....


                    BTW: what ist the syntax for a code block ?