1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 14, 2011 8:20 PM by ffang

    Can not install Apache ODE in ESB 4.4.0


      I just downloaded Fuse ESB 4.4.0 (for windows) a couple of days ago. As it is said in the document, Apache ODE is an integrated feature in Fuse ESB. But I couldn't run "features:install ode" to install it.


      karaf@root> features:install ode

      Error executing command: No feature named 'ode' with version '0.0.0' available


      Has the ODE been removed from v4.4.0? As it seems the above command should work fine with 4.3.1, according to http://fusesource.com/docs/esb/4.3.1/jbi_bpel/index.html.


      Any pointers are appreciated.


