1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 26, 2011 1:47 AM by vvalouch

    Bundle is Active but doesn't start




      I'm having trouble with my bundles last week. My bundles after some time stops working. They are still "active" but they don't start even after restart of the servicemix. If I try refresh it doesn't produce any log


      I'm using servicemix 4.3.1 00.00 for about 3months and till now I didn't have any problems...


      thanks for suggestions,


        • 1. Re: Bundle is Active but doesn't start

          so it seems that my issues were connected with ActiveMq settings. I was playing with following settings:


          <bean id="pooledConnectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.pool.PooledConnectionFactory">

          <property name="maxConnections" value="50" />

          <property name="maximumActive" value="500" />

          <!property name="idleTimeout" value="1200000" />

          <property name="expiryTimeout" value="1200000"/>

          <property name="connectionFactory" ref="activemqConnectionFactory" />



          I think that the trouble was caused by expiryTimeout bcs when I commented it out and used just idleTimeout everything started to work without any troubles...