1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 29, 2011 2:22 AM by davsclaus

    Slow JMS consumer


      Hi All,


      In the Servicemix 4.x version, I'm facing a performance issue with the activeMQ consumer. I'm suspecting its because of the slow consumer.


      I defined the route using the org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder to implement the routes. Following is the snap shot of the activeMQ route.


      Here, I'm facing slow consuming in the 'GetExtendedDB' message Queue. How can I increase the performance of the slow consumer? Or is there anything wrong/causing the slow performance in the route?








      Thank you.

        • 1. Re: Slow JMS consumer

          There is only 1 thread in that Camel route. So it can only consume messages as fast as it has completed processed each message. And you have configured it to use error handling by which it retries forever. So are you sure there the messages can get processed without any problems?


          What do you do in the FinalOutput route?