4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 9, 2011 5:13 AM by neledv

    No components found for scheme



      I'm new to Fuse ESB and I've just deployed a new Fuse ESB project which polls files from a certain directory and sends them via HTTP.

      Before deploying this project, I've activated the bundles camel-http and camel-http4.

      But during deployment of my project, I'm always getting the following exception:

      No component found with scheme: http


      What's still missing here ?

        • 1. Re: No components found for scheme

          What version of Fuse ESB are you using?


          Usually you would need to install the camel-http and camel-http4 features before your own application.


          Did you try to stop and start the Fuse ESB server?


          A bundle has a starting level, which is a number between 0 and 99. The camel-xxx bundles should in the latest release have a starting level of 50. As end users applications by default have a starting level of 60, that should ensure, that the camel-xxx bundles should be started first. So if you restart the server it ought to carry this out in that order.

          • 2. Re: No components found for scheme



            I'm using version 4.4.0-fuse-00-43.

            Even after a restart, I'm still having the same problem.

            Find below the bundle info (filtered on http):


            - 107  Jetty :: Http Utility (org.eclipse.jetty.http) 7.4.1.v20110513  Active 

            - 173  Apache ServiceMix :: Components :: HTTP Binding Component (servicemix-http) 2011.02.0.fuse-00-43  Active 

            - 175  Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-httpclient (org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-httpclient)  Active 

            - 258  camel-http4 (org.apache.camel.camel-http4) 2.7.1.fuse-00-43  Active 

            - 259  Apache HttpCore OSGi bundle (org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore) 4.1.0  Active 

            - 260  Apache HttpClient OSGi bundle (org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient) 4.1.0  Active 

            - 262  http-adapter-sample (http-adapter-sample) 1.0.0  Active


            The last one (http-adapter-sample) is my test application.


            When I check the details for each one of the bundles above, they all have the same start level (= 60).


            Edited by: neledv on Aug 9, 2011 8:02 AM

            • 3. Re: No components found for scheme

              You would need to install the camel-http component (not the ServiceMix HTTP component). This can be done using


              features:install camel-http


              from the shell.

              • 4. Re: No components found for scheme

                According to the features list, the camel-http feature is already installed (and is active).