2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 10, 2011 5:01 AM by noosy

    OSGi bundle, javaee-api-6.0 library and javax.activation


      Hi guys,


      I am new to Fuse ESB and OSGi. I have a fairly simple CXF JAXRS service which I am trying to deploy as a OSGi bundle to Fuse ESB.


      The service uses javax.activation.DataHandler and so my project includes the javaee-api-6.0 library. I am finding that on deployment I see the following error message:


      Error executing command: The bundle "myBundle " could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package

      : javax.activation; version="[6.0.0,7.0.0)"


      This is causing me much grief.


      A couple of things I have noticed digging around:


      in /etc/jre.properties javax.activation is commented out. What is this about?


      Also, if I do:


      >packages:exports | grep activation


      in the shell, I see


          0 # javax.activation; version="0.0.0"

          88 javax.activation; version="1.1.0"

         178 org.apache.axiom.util.activation; version="0.0.0"

         178 org.apache.axiom.ext.activation; version="0.0.0"


      I'm not really clear what is going on but I think that although javax.activation is floating around in the container it isn't version [6.0.0,7.0.0) or basically a match for my dependency?


      Would love some guidance on best way to proceed and clarification on what is happening.


      Note that if I don't use a javax.activation.DataHandler in my service deploys fine and starts up.


      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: OSGi bundle, javaee-api-6.0 library and javax.activation



          What do you mean by "so my project includes the javaee-api-6.0 library"?


          Do you mean 1. you have javaee-api-6.0 dependency in pom or 2.your OSGi bundle embed the javaee-api-6.0.jar?


          You shouldn't embed javaee-api-6.0.jar nor  have javaee-api-6.0 dependency in pom, and in your pom.xml you can just



          if you need use



          Btw, we have cxf-jaxrs example shipped with kit so you may need take a look.



          • 2. Re: OSGi bundle, javaee-api-6.0 library and javax.activation

            I don't have the jee dependency in my pom but it appears as an indirect dependency in my NetBeans dependencies list. I'm not at work at the moment so I can't try anything til Monday but when I am back at work I will locate what dependency is using it and try and rid myself of it.

