2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 27, 2011 9:36 AM by gmotts_gary.motts

    Need help implementing transactional client


      Need help on implementing the transaction client per http://camel.apache.org/transactional-client.html .  Whenever I define a simple camel route:






      No JMS Consumer is created for the queue named "foo" (using ActiveMQ web console).  I am using Camel 2.7.1 (implemented within Fuse ESB - 4.4.0-fuse-00-43 in conjunction with Fuse ActiveMQ -5.5.0-fuse-00-27.  My camel-context is setup as:




      I am noticing one error on the activemq console - Transport failed: java.io.EOFException...


      If I remove the transactional settings the JMS consumer is created and no exceptions are logged to the activemq console.

