3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 7, 2011 11:18 AM by nohaapav

    Accessing web application deployed in servicemix issue


      Hi guys,


      i have issue with accesing deployed war bundle into SMX


      I'm using SMX 4.4.1 and the problem is :


      1.I created simple web application with one jsp page saying HI ALL as example

      2.I deployed that application into smx without any problems like :


      osgi:install war:mvn:com.vsb./DP/1.0-SNAPSHOT/war?Web-ContextPath=dp    OR

      osgi:install webbundle:mvn:com.vsb./DP/1.0-SNAPSHOT/war?Web-ContextPath=dp



      mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war (0)


      and than i tried acessing that app with url : http://localhost:8181/dp


      but i received jetty error :


      HTTP ERROR: 404


      Problem accessing /dp. Reason:


      Not Found


      Any idea where can be the problem? Thx for any response.

        • 1. Re: Accessing web application deployed in servicemix issue

          additional info :


          This is my servicemix instance :


          START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50

             ID   State         Blueprint      Level  Name

          Apache Karaf :: Shell ConfigAdmin Commands (2.0.0.fuse-02-00)

          OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - WAR (1.1.0)

          OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - Whiteboard (1.1.0)

          OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty (1.1.0)

          OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty Bundle (1.1.0)

          OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (1.1.0)

          OPS4J Pax Web - Service SPI (1.1.0)

          OPS4J Pax Url - war (1.3.5)

          mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war (0)


          And header of mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war bundle :


          mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war (53)


          Manifest-Version = 1.0

          Archiver-Version = Plexus Archiver

          Bnd-LastModified = 1320607949947

          Tool = Bnd-0.0.357

          Originally-Created-By = Apache Maven

          WAR-URL = mvn:com.vsb./DP/1.0-SNAPSHOT/war

          Built-By = xxx

          Build-Jdk = 1.7.0_147-icedtea

          Generated-By-Ops4j-Pax-From = mvn:com.vsb./DP/1.0-SNAPSHOT/war

          Web-ContextPath = /dp

          Created-By = 1.6.0_22 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)


          Bundle-Name = mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war

          Bundle-SymbolicName = mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war

          Bundle-Version = 0

          Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2

          Bundle-ClassPath = WEB-INF/classes


          Import-Package =




          Everything seems to be completelly OK. Also Jetty is running well .. strange ..

          • 2. Re: Accessing web application deployed in servicemix issue

            Can you use log:display on the servicemix console to check if there are some error message there ?



            • 3. Re: Accessing web application deployed in servicemix issue

              Hi Willem ..


              -i changed servicemix instance to older version 4.3.1-fuse-00-00

              -also i changed org.apache.karaf.features




              to boot only necessary features(i removed the ones which i added by features bundle)


              Now the servicemix instance looks like ::


              START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50

                 ID   State         Blueprint      Level  Name

              Apache Karaf :: Shell ConfigAdmin Commands (2.0.0.fuse-02-00)

              geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec (1.1.2)

              Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jetty (

              OPS4J Pax Web - API (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Web - Service SPI (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Web - Runtime (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Web - Jetty (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - WAR (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Web - Extender - Whiteboard (0.7.3)

              OPS4J Pax Url - war:, war-i: (1.2.1)

              Apache Karaf :: WAR Deployer (2.0.0.fuse-02-00)

              mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war (0)


              When i check log:display it says ::


              17:08:47,857 | INFO  | rint Extender: 2 | SecurityUtils                    | ?                                   ? | 30 - sshd-core - 0.4.0 | BouncyCastle not registered, using the default JCE provider


              so there are no errors which can cause the problem .. 


              I'm in trap .. tried almost everything to make it working but no success at all ..


              I attached whole log from servicemix start to installation of mvn_com.vsb._DP_1.0-SNAPSHOT_war bundle .. maybe it will help ..


              Edited by: nohaapav on Nov 7, 2011 4:17 PM