4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 21, 2011 4:29 AM by isakoves

    onException(Exception.class). Can't go through full exception route.


      I get e-mail and do some processing using web-service.

      If error occurs (for example in web-service ), I need to send e-mail . But it can't go through full exception route:





      .process(new Processor(){


      prepare message to send by camel-mail







      Mesage misses the .to("direct:send_mail") and e-mail can't send.


      It can be found in log:


      10:33:32,673 | WARN  | myMailEndpointIn | MailConsumer                     | 232 - org.apache.camel.camel-mail - 2.6.0 | Exchange failed, so rolling back message status: Exchange[MailMessage: ...]


      Web-service settings:




      Exchange is not fault but have exception.



      Can it go though full exception route?

      Do I need to make some settings?