6 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2011 9:08 AM by stephane_stephane.pain

    Call an external Web Service in apache-servicemix-4.3.0-fuse-00-00




      I'm a newbie in ServiceMix and I'm trying to call an external Web Service from ServiceMix. I read a lot of post and I can't configure my xbean.xml and my camel-context.xml for call the external web service.


      So, my entry point is a HTTP Consumer. From this point, I want to call an external Web Service.


      I have configured a cxfbc like this :




      Also, I try to make a Camel bean which call my external Web Service, but I have the error :


      No conduit initiator was found for the namespace http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http


      So, what is my problem, because I don't understand how can I call a external Web Service and what is the good solution.


      Thanks for your help



