2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 11, 2012 9:46 PM by mohithanda

    JPA consumer doing constant polling



      Hi Guys,




      I am trying to write a route which is triggered by a JMS message on a queue. It then polls the database using JPA endpoint, converts the row to an entity. Then I want to do some processing on that entity and finally persist it back to the db.



      Following is my route






      .from("jpa:com.mycompany.servicebus.services.entities.test.TestEntity?consumer.query=select t from com.mycompany.servicebus.services.entities.test.TestEntity t where t.id = 1&consumeDelete=false")



      .process(new Processor() {






                              public void process(Exchange exchng) throws Exception {



                                  TestEntity entity = exchng.getIn().getBody(TestEntity.class);



                                  if(entity != null){





















      Now the issue that I am facing is that the route constantly polls the db, reads the row and does the aforementioned processing. But I want it to be once off. i.e. when a message is sent to the inbound JMS queue. Can you think of a way by which I could achieve this?



      I could inject the entity manager and use plain java code. But I would prefer to use DSL.


      Any suggestions? Please advise.


