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1. Re: ActiveMQ hangs
krishnadasan.ts Feb 13, 2012 6:40 AM (in response to krishnadasan.ts)Hi,
Today I checked the status of kahadb files. It contains a db-794.log file having 32 mb, db.redo file having 1.1 mb and having a big 5 GB.
Why is this file having such a huge size. is there any chance to have this to cause the above issue. if it is so can i expect it to solved in 5.5.1 version.
Another thing is about db-794.log file. As per Normally log rotation, the latest file will be a non numbered file. But in this case i can only see db-794.log. If it is logging only non consumed messages then it seems ok.
Any way we are planning to upgrade activemq vesion to 5.5.1 in production.
2. Re: ActiveMQ hangs
jkorab Feb 29, 2012 9:25 AM (in response to krishnadasan.ts)You mention 2000 topics (no queues?). Are any of the subscribers on those topics durable?
Edited by: jkorab on Feb 29, 2012 2:25 PM