5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 21, 2009 9:23 AM by ips

    How to delete an agent in JON?


      I've added an agent to the JON server. Now I want to delete it. I do followings:

      1. Login to the JON
      2. Click Tab "Dashboard"
      3. Click the agent (resource) under "Recently Added Resource"
      4. "Uninventory" all the resources.

      But as I come back the "Dashboard" I still see the agent.

      Can someone help?

        • 1. Re: How to delete an agent in JON?

          If the Agent is running and connects to the server it will continue to show up in the AutoDiscovery Queue and be eligible for import.

          Uninventory does not physically delete a resource, meaning it has no effect on the Agent installation, no files are removed, it's not shut down etc. It only removes the resource from inventory. And if it's still running, it can sow up again when it's rediscovered. This is true of any resource, not just Agents.

          If you really want to delete an Agent you need to shut it down and blow away the directory.

          If you want it to keep running but don't want to see it in the AutoDiscovery Queue you can "Ignore" it via the GUI. This will hide it from your view.

          Also, some resources can truly be Deleted. For those you will see a Delete option (button). That action truly does have physical ramifications. For example, a Web Application, when deleted, is totally undeployed and removed from the container.

          • 2. Re: How to delete an agent in JON?


            "jayshaughnessy" wrote:

            Also, some resources can truly be Deleted. For those you will see a Delete option (button). That action truly does have physical ramifications. For example, a Web Application, when deleted, is totally undeployed and removed from the container.

            Where can I find the Delete ooption (button)?

            • 3. Re: How to delete an agent in JON?

              And what do you mean "blow away the directory"?

              • 4. Re: How to delete an agent in JON?

                I find out the answer to my question from the JON-Docs.

                One can not rename the agent name which was registered at the first time.

                Please don't answer this question any more.

                • 5. Re: How to delete an agent in JON?


                  Where can I find the Delete option (button)?

                  The Delete button can be found on the parent Resource's Inventory>Overview tab. In the case of a WAR, the parent Resource would be the JBossAS Server that WAR is deployed to.

                  And what do you mean "blow away the directory"?

                  Recursively delete the directory and all of its contents.