2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 9, 2012 11:39 AM by julianc

    Database beyond socks proxy



      I'm trying to migrate my database update scripts to Camel. The legacy scripts are socksified perl scripts. The database sits in our internet DMZ beyond a socks proxy.


      I can use a java sql CLI (like the ones in Derby or H2) using:


      java -DsocksProxyHost=


      I just can't work out how to make this work with Camel.


      My junit integration tests work fine with an embedded database, its only when i point them at the real database that they fail with a communications link failure.


      Printing out the value of System.getProperties().getProperty("socksProxyHost") gives me a null wherever I put the print statement.


      I've tried putting the properties in a properties file and referencing it with a spring propertyplaceholder.


      How do I do this?

        • 1. Re: Database beyond socks proxy

          Solved for Mysql.


          Mysql supports a socketFactory configuration property. I cloned the default and added proxy capabilities to it. Then the following worked in my applicationContext.xml:



                            <entry key="socksProxyHost" value="$" />

                            <entry key="socksProxyPort" value="$" />





          A more general solution for any database would be nice.



          • 2. Re: Database beyond socks proxy

            I raised this MySql bug as a result. My factory code is attached to the bug.

