1 Reply Latest reply on May 9, 2012 8:36 PM by ffang

    Invoking EJB




      I would like to send file to an ejb by servicemix,


      i created

                - an EJB and i deplyed it on JBoss,

                - file poller to listen incomming files

                - pipline serviceto the exchange of message

                - cfx-se endpoint to send the message to my ejb.


      up to now, my design is it correct?


      this is the cfx endpoint




      when i deploy serviceassembly the following error appear:


      "Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: interface org.springframework.aop.SpringProxy is not visible from class loader"


      i can't resolve this problem!!

        • 1. Re: Invoking EJB



          How you package your SA? If you use OSGi packaging, just Import-Package org.springframework.aop, if you use JBI packaging, you need add



          in cxf-se SU's xbean.xml to refer classes from spring-aop bundle.

