2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 25, 2012 8:17 AM by ateodor1



      Hi, I have a bundle A that invokes bundle B. Bundle B is reponsible for connecting to a server and bundle A does not care about that, it only needs the result.


      Bundle B uses some jars to connect to the server that bundle A does not need to know.


      When something wrong happens in bundle B it is throwing an exception but handled internally, but a ClassNoDefFound appear in the log saying that bundle A does not know the class.


      This should be expected since it is internal for bundle B.


      Is there any special configuration that I need to put in my pom or I need to import the classes used in the dependent jar ?

        • 1. Re: Dependencies

          You may need to set the TCCL to the classloader of bundle B, when you want to invoke the bundle B. You can do it in bundle B if you have full control of it.



          • 2. Re: Dependencies

            Hi, I think that will also solve other problems that I'm having in my environment.


            Can you let me know how to do that or point me to a url where I can find how to set the TCCL ? It is new to me. I have the full control of both bundles.


            Thanks a lot !