0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 10, 2012 2:59 PM by marc.blomquist

    Dynamic Camel Route Builder Idea


      Currently have some free time and I'm trying to come up with an in-house solution that allows me to dynamically create and manage camel routes using a GUI. Work hasn't started and I'm just brainstorming to think of all the ways to do this, but I'm not experienced enough to see the risks in certain approaches so I was hoping some people here could point out the flaws.


      I'm currently using ServiceMix and I'm thinking so far that I will need the following two bundles:


      RouteAdmin - bundle that exposes a service that dynamically creates and manages routes from camel xml DSL passed in by string format. Bundle would have dynamic import turned on to allow it to use all the external camel components.

      - int addRoute(String camelRouteXmlBeansDSL)

      - void deleteRoute(int camelRouteId)

      - void startRoute(int camelRouteId)

      - void stopRoute(int camelRouteId)

      ( example idea of how this would work )


      RouteGUI - bundle that provides a webpage GUI to allow creation of camel routes, which are then sent to the RouteAdmin and also saved as a .xml file for persistence.


      So far from this alone can anyone see any design problems?