0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 13, 2012 5:56 AM by paul.logix.co.nz

    Jetty handlers (eg RewriteHandler) defined in jetty.xml don't work


      I need to do a bit of URL re-writing in FuseESB.  I've tried this through the etc/jetty.xml file by calling addHandler on the existing handler (so as not to break Pax Web from starting).  However, it looks like Pax Web is doing all the path context matching - and it doesn't know about the jetty-defined ones - so they don't get actioned.


      How can I register a RewriteHandler (or other handler class) such that it is recognised?  Can Pax Web be configured to "see" the Jetty defined handlers?  or, can I register a context handler through Pax Web such that it is recognised and triggered?  Or is there another way to do this in FuseESB?


      Cheers, Paul.