3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 25, 2012 10:28 AM by e0richt

    fuse ESB choking on camel routes...




      i have components defined in osgi for activemq, processor, output1, output2...

      I have defined 20 camel routes similar to the following:





                .to("output1:queue:queue1", "output2:queue:queue2");


      activemq, output1 and output2 are activemq endpoints that are external to the ESB

      myBean is used to parse the xml message and add properties based on certain fields in the message.

      The only difference in the route definition is with the topic name goes from 1-20...




      .from("activemq:topic:topic3")... etc...


      I also have a separate route in a different context that takes messages off of output1 and output2 in order to "drain" the messages off the routes...


      the ESB will "choke" due to lack of java heap space after about 200 meg bytes worth of messages have been processed...



          - a way to handle / prevent this condition from happening

          - a way to improve the route performance


      any ideas?