7 Replies Latest reply on Nov 22, 2012 6:31 PM by komododave

    Container Management using FMC and Fabric


      I have FMC with fabric registry running on server01. I created two ESB Enterprise containers on server02 and server03 and had them join the fabric at server01:2181. They show up in the FMC console fine.


      One of them however was having issues when I deployed profiles to it, so I wanted to recreate it. I seem to be unable to delete the container from the fabric. When I run fabric:container-delete I get this error:

      Error executing command: Container server03 has not been created using Fabric


      This happens if I run it in the karaf console on either server01 or server03. How do I get rid of containers from the fabric that I joined to the fabric directly?

        • 1. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

          Ah yes, there's an issue with joining containers as fabric doesn't know how they were created and so can't shut them down and delete them.


          What you need to do is install the fabric-zookeeper-commands feature, for example add that feature to your FMC container.  Then if you do a zk:list -r -d | grep  you'll see it in the ZK tree.  Just delete the entry with zk:delete (think that's the command, don't have an instance handy to check at the moment) and it'll disappear from FMC and fabric:container-list.

          • 2. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

            That worked, thanks. I had to delete all the entries that had the container name in them, then I was able to add the container back into the fabric.

            After that I needed to bounce the FMC instance (which is my fabric server) and then the container showed up again.

            • 3. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

              ...so I have the same problem. I have two child containers that cannot be delete using container-delete. I get 'Container TestContainer1 has not been created using Fabric'


              I cannot install the zookeeper commands - because features:install gives command not found.


              Do I need to change the profile of the FMC container so I can install new features?

              • 4. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

                More information. 


                These child containers were actually created from the console using Create Container command. They were subsequently deleted successfully from the console.  On a FMC restart they reappeared as unmanaged containers and with the problem described above.


                As mentioned, I cannot install the zookeeper commands as the features:* all return command not found.


                Given this is the only node in the Zookeeper ensemble, can I delete the registry and start again?


                Using FuseFMCEnterprise 1.0.2


                • 5. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

                  Yep, you could do a fabric:create --clean -p FuseManagementConsole to re-create the registry and ensure the FMC webapp is installed.  Note that the features commands are disabled as features are managed by fabric, however what you can do is go into FMC, go to the profile view, click on the FuseManagementConsole profile, select the fuse-fabric features repository, and then add the "fabric-zookeeper-commands" feature.  This gives you the zk:list command, you can do: zk:list -r -d | grep  and see where those containers have registry entries, then use zk:delete to get rid of 'em, although I believe container-delete --force should also get rid of these as well.


                  Might be worth double-checking that the child instances were stopped as part of the delete command, do a ps -deaf | grep java and ensure there aren't a bunch of extra karaf instances running in the background...

                  • 6. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

                    Thanks Stan. All good.

                    • 7. Re: Container Management using FMC and Fabric

                      I believe the features:... commands weren't available when I was running fuse-fabric-7.0.1-084 a couple of days ago, but they've appeared now I'm using fuse-fabric-7.0.2-097.


                      Maybe slewis can comment on whether this might be your problem too.