1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 25, 2012 5:46 AM by radomir.kadlec

    How to connect to the FuseESB console from shellscript?



      how can I connect to the FuseESB console from a shellscript to run some command?


      At first I tried following command:

      ssh -p 8101 smx@ "osgi:list"


      But the ssh command enforces to enter password in an interactive way, of course.

      Can I enter a password for the FuseESB console in shell script?


      I know techniques, how to make a ssh connection to some other system without passwort through generating of rsa key (ssh-keygen).

      But it doesn't work together with FuseESB, propably because FuseESB doesn't use any system user.


      I use FuseESB apache-servicemix-4.4.1-fuse-07-11 on SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 10.


      Thanks for any tips.



      Edited by: kadlec on Oct 25, 2012 9:37 AM