1. Re: Fuse IDE JMX Explorer Unable to connect
plord_plord Oct 25, 2012 8:10 PM (in response to plord_plord)This error seems to have resolved itself and now I can see the Local Processes again.
However, when I click on the local process with my camel routes, it just gets stuck on Loading... forever.
2. Re: Fuse IDE JMX Explorer Unable to connect
davsclaus Oct 26, 2012 3:30 AM (in response to plord_plord)What Camel version do you connect to with JMX?
3. Re: Fuse IDE JMX Explorer Unable to connect
plord_plord Oct 26, 2012 12:47 PM (in response to davsclaus)2.9.0.fuse-70-097
4. Re: Fuse IDE JMX Explorer Unable to connect
davsclaus Oct 29, 2012 6:42 AM (in response to plord_plord)Thanks.
Does it happen every time, that the JMX explorer just hangs. Even if you restart Fuse IDE or the computer etc?
5. Re: Fuse IDE JMX Explorer Unable to connect
servicefuse2012 Dec 5, 2012 2:03 PM (in response to davsclaus)I have the same problem with FuseIDEEnterprise-7.0.2 in the "fuse integration" perspective. When I "run as -> local camel context" on a camel-blueprint project, the JMX Explorer only shows a Java Local Process, without the Local Camel Context as I saw in the IDE 2.1 demo video.
Is this a limitation of IDE evaluation copy or do i have to configure JMX to see it?
6. Re: Fuse IDE JMX Explorer Unable to connect
davsclaus Dec 7, 2012 2:32 AM (in response to servicefuse2012)No there is no limitations in the products.